In view of the growing hatred and agitation towards the LGBTIQ+ community, it was clear from the beginning that the motto had to address this. Right-wing extremists spread absurd stories to discredit us and exclude us from society. These prejudices lead to hatred and ultimately to violence.
When we promote more sensitive language that does not exclude anyone, we are accused of “gender propaganda”, drag queens read to children about tolerance and acceptance, are called “groomers” and put in a corner with pedophilia.
All of this is just to stylize us as the enemy against whom we must take action.
The rise in queer hostility can be seen all over the world, especially in countries where this rhetoric is not just used in private but are written into law by influential leaders.
All over the world, we see politics being made on the backs of the community. Election campaigns are fought and even won with hate.
The saddest example of this is probably Russia, where the global LGBTIQ+ community was classified as extremist and banned by court order last year.
We, the CSD Frankfurt e.V., say: Yes, we are extreme. Extremely colorful, diverse, angry, proud, loud, self-confident and so much more.
That's why our motto this year is:
We are extreme - lovingly!
Because what we are essentially demanding, even more than 50 years after Stonewall, is the acceptance and equality of our way of living and loving.
We would like to call on you to make this year's CSD a particularly loving event in the heart of Frankfurt.
We are extremely looking forward to this CSD,
Your CSD Frankfurt e.V.
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